0. Introduction To Science
1 Lessons
Specification grid
5 Minutes
Chapter-1 Measurement
7 Lessons
1. Measurement
4 Minutes
2. Physical Quantities (fundamental and derived)
8 Minutes
3. Units
6 Minutes
4. Characteristics of Units
8 Minutes
5. Standard system of units and advantages of S.I. unit
11 Minutes
6.Fundamental units and derived unit
16 Minutes
7. Example 1 of units
2 Minutes
Chapter-2 Force
14 Lessons
1h 55m
1. Force
3 Minutes
2. Effects of Force
8 Minutes
3. Balanced and Unbalanced forces
6 Minutes
4. Distance travelled and displacement
10 Minutes
5. Speed
6 Minutes
6. Velocity
4 Minutes
7. Uniform and non-uniform Velocity
4 Minutes
8. Average velocity
4 Minutes
9. Acceleration
10 Minutes
10. Use of graphs in physics
18 Minutes
11. Equation of motion (first equation)
9 Minutes
12. Equation of motion(Second equation)
8 Minutes
13. Equation of motion(Third equation)
9 Minutes
14. Equation of motion(Fourth equation)
10 Minutes
Chapter-3 Simple Machine
23 Lessons
2h 29m
1. Simple machines
3 Minutes
2. Advantages of simple machines
2 Minutes
3. Mechanical Advantage
2 Minutes
4. Velocity Ratio
5 Minutes
5. Efficiency
7 Minutes
6. Ways to increase efficiency of a machine
3 Minutes
7.Relationship between MA, VR and efficiency
5 Minutes
8.Principles of simple machines
5 Minutes
5 Minutes
10.Problem 1 (MA, VR and η of a lever)
12 Minutes
7 Minutes
12.Problem 1 (MA, VR and η of a pulley)
8 Minutes
13.Inclined plane
4 Minutes
14.Problem 1 (MA, VR and η of a inclined plane)
3 Minutes
15.Wheel and axle
6 Minutes
16.Problem 1 (Ma, VR and η of a wheel and axle)
5 Minutes
17.Wheel and axle as a continuous lever
3 Minutes
18.Screw and wedge wala video
6 Minutes
19.Moment of force
8 Minutes
20.Mathematical description of moment of force
18 Minutes
21.Law of moment
6 Minutes
22.Problem 1 (Law of moment)
9 Minutes
23.Problem 2 (Law of moment)
6 Minutes
Chapter-4 Work
23 Lessons
2h 19m
1. Work
13 Minutes
2. Definition of one joule work
4 Minutes
3. Work against friction
5 Minutes
4. Example 1 (Work done against friction)
4 Minutes
5. work against gravity
4 Minutes
6. Problem 1
5 Minutes
7. Energy
10 Minutes
8. Mechanical energy
9 Minutes
9. Example 1(Kinetic energy)
3 Minutes
10. Problem 2(Kinetic energy)
8 Minutes
11. Potential energy
7 Minutes
12. Example 1(Potential energy)
6 Minutes
13. Electrical energy
5 Minutes
14. Heat energy
6 Minutes
15. Light energy
2 Minutes
16. Sound energy
4 Minutes
17. Magnetic energy
3 Minutes
18. Chemical energy
3 Minutes
19. Nuclear energy
5 Minutes
20. Relation between work and energy
7 Minutes
21. Power
5 Minutes
22. What is one watt power
5 Minutes
23. Example 1(Power)
4 Minutes
Chapter-5 Sound
23 Lessons
2h 15m
1. Introduction to sound
4 Minutes
2. Properties of sound wave
5 Minutes
3. Sound wave
8 Minutes
4. Wave motion and some terms related to wave motion
14 Minutes
5. Relationship between time period and frequency
4 Minutes
6. Problem 1 (Wave motion)
2 Minutes
7. Problem 2 (Wave motion)
3 Minutes
8. Problem 3 (Wave motion)
7 Minutes
9. Speed of sound in different media at 0 degree C
6 Minutes
10. Factors effecting speed of sound in a gas medium
7 Minutes
11. Problem 1 (Factors effecting speed of sound)
4 Minutes
12. Audibility
8 Minutes
13. Applications of ultrasound
4 Minutes
14. Characteristics of notes(Pitch)
7 Minutes
15. Characteristics of notes(Intensity of sound)
10 Minutes
16. Average intensity level
5 Minutes
17. Factors effecting intensity of sound
3 Minutes
18. Characteristics of notes(Quality)
3 Minutes
19. Reflection of sound
2 Minutes
20. Echo
6 Minutes
21. Reverberation
4 Minutes
22. Refraction of sound
7 Minutes
23. Noise and music
2 Minutes
Chapter-6 Light
22 Lessons
2h 52m
1. Light energy
4 Minutes
2. Refraction of light
5 Minutes
3. Optical medium
10 Minutes
4. Laws of refraction of light(First law)
4 Minutes
5. Laws of refraction of light(Second law)
7 Minutes
6. Problem 1 (Refraction of light)
3 Minutes
7. Problem 2 (Refraction of light)
5 Minutes
8. Examples of refraction of light
13 Minutes
9. Why does path of light bend (put question mark here)
12 Minutes
10. Real depth and apparent depth
4 Minutes
11. Example 1 (Real depth and apparent depth)
2 Minutes
12. Critical angle
7 Minutes
13. Example 1 (Critical angle)
5 Minutes
14. Total internal reflection
9 Minutes
15. Example 1 (Total internal reflection)
4 Minutes
16. Why diamonds shine but glass or water doesnot(put question mark here)
7 Minutes
17. Prisms
14 Minutes
18. How rainbow is formed in the atmosphere(put question mark here)
10 Minutes
19. Electromagnetic spectrum
16 Minutes
20. Visible and infrared light
10 Minutes
21. Radio waves and ultraviolet radition
6 Minutes
22. X-rays
4 Minutes
Chapter-7 Electricity and Magnetism
17 Lessons
2h 0m
1. Electrical energy
4 Minutes
2. Electric current
6 Minutes
3. Electromotive force and potential difference
8 Minutes
4. Electric resistance
6 Minutes
5. Conductors, Semi-conductors and insulators
5 Minutes
6. Factors effecting resistance in metals
6 Minutes
7. Resistance formula
8 Minutes
8. Ohm's law
9 Minutes
9. Problem 1
7 Minutes
10. Problem 2
9 Minutes
11. Problem 3
5 Minutes
12. Problem 4
9 Minutes
13. Magnet
6 Minutes
14. Properties of magnetic lines of forces
5 Minutes
15. Neutral point
5 Minutes
16. Terrestrial magnetism
7 Minutes
17. Magnetic elements of the earth's magnetic field
10 Minutes
Chapter-8 Classification of Elements
29 Lessons
3h 38m
1. Pure substance and impure substance
8 Minutes
2. Elements
8 Minutes
3. Metals, non metals and metalloids
6 Minutes
4. Compounds
5 Minutes
5. Molecule
4 Minutes
6. Atom
6 Minutes
7. Shells, subshells and orbitals
15 Minutes
8. 3D Visualisation of Shells, subshells and orbitals
10 Minutes
9. Electronic configuration
14 Minutes
10. Aufbau principle
9 Minutes
11. Valence shell and valence electrons
3 Minutes
12. Information from valence electrons
4 Minutes
13. Valency
5 Minutes
14. Variable valency
4 Minutes
15. Radicals
5 Minutes
16. Valency of electropositive radicals
4 Minutes
17. Valency of electronegative radicals
3 Minutes
18. Ions
6 Minutes
19. Inert gases
8 Minutes
20. Duplet rule and octet rule
19 Minutes
21. Chemical bonding
5 Minutes
22. Electrovalent bond
8 Minutes
23. Example of electrovalent bond(Magnesium chloride)
4 Minutes
24. Characteristics of electrovalent bond
4 Minutes
25. Covalent bond
14 Minutes
26. Characteristics of covalent compounds
4 Minutes
27. Molecular formula of compounds and elements
4 Minutes
28. Infomation given by a molecular formula
4 Minutes
29. Steps of writing molecular formula of compounds
13 Minutes
Chapter-9 Chemical Reaction
10 Lessons
1h 12m
1. Physical change and chemical change
7 Minutes
2. Chemical reaction
6 Minutes
3. Chemical equation
8 Minutes
4. Drawbacks of skeletal chemical equation
3 Minutes
5. Writing and balancing chemical equations
17 Minutes
6. Information conveye by a balanced chamical equation
4 Minutes
7. Limitations of chemical equations
7 Minutes
8. Endothermic and exothermic reaction
6 Minutes
9. Catalyst
4 Minutes
10. Characteristics of catalyst
4 Minutes
Chapter-10 Solubility
13 Lessons
1h 7m
1. Solution
6 Minutes
2. Unsaturated and saturated solution
5 Minutes
3. Supersaturated solution
4 Minutes
4. Importance of solution
3 Minutes
5. Solubility of a substance
6 Minutes
6. Effect of heat on solubility
3 Minutes
7. Solubility curve
4 Minutes
8. Crystals
2 Minutes
9. Characteristics of crystals
2 Minutes
10. Crystallization
3 Minutes
11. Problem 1
3 Minutes
12. Problem 2
7 Minutes
13. Problem 3
12 Minutes
Chapter-11 Some Gases
26 Lessons
2h 24m
1. Atmosphere
5 Minutes
2. Hydrogen gas
5 Minutes
3. General methods of preparation for hydrogen gas
9 Minutes
4. Laboratory preparation of hydrogen gas
11 Minutes
5. manufacture of hydrogen
4 Minutes
6. Nascent hydrogen
2 Minutes
7. Physical properties of hydrogen gas
4 Minutes
8. Chemical properties of hydrogen gas
13 Minutes
9. Uses of hydrogen gas
3 Minutes
10. Oxygen
7 Minutes
11. General methods of preparation of oxygen gas
3 Minutes
12. Laboratory preparation of oxygen gas (With heat)
6 Minutes
13. Laboratory preparation of oxygen gas (Without using heat)
5 Minutes
14. Test of oxygen gas
3 Minutes
15. Manufacture of oxygen gas
2 Minutes
16. Physical properties of oxygen gas
4 Minutes
17. Chemical properties of oxygen gas
12 Minutes
18. Uses of oxygen gas
3 Minutes
19. Nitrogen
7 Minutes
20. General method of preparation of nitrogen gas
3 Minutes
21. Laboratory preparation o nitrogen gas
7 Minutes
22. Test of nitrogen gas
2 Minutes
23. Manufacture of nitrogen gas
2 Minutes
24. Physical properties of nitrogen gas
3 Minutes
25. Chemical properties of nitrogen gas
5 Minutes
26. Uses of nitrogen gas
4 Minutes
Chapter-12 Metals
12 Lessons
1h 11m
1. Metals
5 Minutes
2. General properties of metals
11 Minutes
3. Alloy
5 Minutes
4. Electron sea model of metals
7 Minutes
5. Some questions answered by electron sea model
6 Minutes
6. Chemical properties of metals
6 Minutes
7. Metalloids
3 Minutes
8. Role of metals for organisms
7 Minutes
9. Importance of zinc
4 Minutes
10. Importance of sodium and potassium
4 Minutes
11. Harmful effects pf mercury
3 Minutes
12. Harmful effects of lead
5 Minutes
Chapter-13 Carbon and its Compounds
10 Lessons
1. Carbon in common materials
5 Minutes
2. Sources of carbon
5 Minutes
3. Nature of carbon
6 Minutes
4. Allotropy of carbon
7 Minutes
5. Diamond
4 Minutes
6. Uses of diamond
1 Minutes
7. Graphite
4 Minutes
8. Uses of graphite
2 Minutes
9. Chemical properties of carbon
7 Minutes
10. Organic and inorganic compounds
4 Minutes
Chapter-14 Water
14 Lessons
1h 14m
1. Sources of water
8 Minutes
2. Sources of ground water
4 Minutes
3. Physical properties of water
10 Minutes
4. Capillary action
3 Minutes
5. Chemical properties of water
8 Minutes
6. Solvent property of water
8 Minutes
7. Uses of water
3 Minutes
8. Types of water
2 Minutes
9. Why does hard water not form lather easily (put question mark here)
4 Minutes
10. Types of hard water
2 Minutes
11. Temporary hardness and its removal
5 Minutes
12. Permanent hardness of water and its removal
4 Minutes
13. Permutits process
5 Minutes
14. Advantages and disadvantages of hard water
2 Minutes
Chapter-15 Chemical used in Agriculture
12 Lessons
1. Fertilizers
3 Minutes
2. Organic fertilizers
4 Minutes
3. Advantages of organic fertilizers
2 Minutes
4. Disadvantages of organic fertilizers
2 Minutes
5. Inorganic fertilizers
5 Minutes
6. Phosphorus fertilizers
5 Minutes
7. Potassium fertilizers
4 Minutes
8. Types of chemical fetilizers
4 Minutes
9. Advantages of chemical fertilizers
2 Minutes
10. Disadvantages of chemical fertilizers
2 Minutes
11. Precautions while using chemical fertilizers
4 Minutes
12. Difference between organic fertilizers and inorganic fertilizers_1
2 Minutes
Chapter-16 Classification of Plants and Animals
45 Lessons
4h 35m
1. Classification of plants and animals
4 Minutes
2. Importance of classification
5 Minutes
3. Heirarchy of classification
8 Minutes
4. Nomenclature
6 Minutes
5. Five-kingdom system of classification
7 Minutes
6. Kingdom(put colon here) Monera
4 Minutes
7. Kingdom(put colon here) Protista
4 Minutes
8. Kingdom(put colon here) Plantae
3 Minutes
9. Kingdom(put colon here) Fungi
3 Minutes
10. Kingdom(put colon here) Animalia
4 Minutes
11. Kingdom(put colon here) Plantae and its divisions
3 Minutes
12. Division(put colon here) Algae
5 Minutes
13. Division(put colon here) Bryophyta
4 Minutes
14. Division(put colon here) Tracheophyta and its sub-division Pteridophyta
8 Minutes
15. Sub-division(put colon here) Gymnosperms
4 Minutes
16. Sub-division(put colon here) Angiosperms
5 Minutes
17. Class(put colon here) Monocotyledons
5 Minutes
18. Class(put colon here) Dicotyledons
6 Minutes
19. Way of writing classification of plants
10 Minutes
20. Kingdom(put colon here) Animalia
5 Minutes
21. Phylum(put colon here) Porifera
8 Minutes
22. Phylum(put colon here) Coelenterata
6 Minutes
23. Phylum(put colon here) Platyhelminthes
5 Minutes
24. Phylum(put colon here) Nemathelminthes
6 Minutes
25. Phylum(put comma here) Annelida
5 Minutes
26. Phylum(put comma here) Arthropoda
10 Minutes
27. Phylum(put comma here) Mollusca
4 Minutes
28. Phylum(put comma here) Echinodermata
4 Minutes
29. Phylum(put comma here) Chordata
9 Minutes
30. Sub-phylum(put comma here) Vertebrata
6 Minutes
31. Class(put comma here) Pisces
4 Minutes
32. Class(put comma here) Amphibian
4 Minutes
33. Class(put comma here) Reptilia
4 Minutes
34. Class(put comma here) Aves
5 Minutes
35. Class(put comma here)Mammals
10 Minutes
36. Classification of Animals
17 Minutes
37. Mosquito
6 Minutes
38. Structure of mosquito
5 Minutes
39. Difference between Male and Female
2 Minutes
40. Lifecycle of a mosquito
3 Minutes
41. Larva of mosquito
5 Minutes
42. Papa of mosquito
3 Minutes
43. Adult stage of mosquito
5 Minutes
44. Disadvantage of mosquito
6 Minutes
45. Control measure of mosquito
5 Minutes
Chapter-17 Adaptation
23 Lessons
2h 8m
1. Adaptation
6 Minutes
2. Aquatic adaptation
6 Minutes
3. Adaptive characteristics of hydrophytes
5 Minutes
4. Aquatic animals and their adaptive characteristics
8 Minutes
5. Terrestrial animals
5 Minutes
6. Xerophytes and their adaptational characteristics
5 Minutes
7. Terrestrial animals and their adaptational characteristics
4 Minutes
8. Fossorial and arboreal animals and their adaptational characteristics
4 Minutes
9. Aerial and desert animals and their adaptational characteristics
6 Minutes
10. Microorganisms
3 Minutes
11. A. Bacterias
7 Minutes
12. Types of bacterias
6 Minutes
13. Advantages of bacterias
4 Minutes
14. Disadvantages of bacterias and control measures of bacterial diseases
6 Minutes
15. B. Fungi
5 Minutes
16. Advantages of fungi
4 Minutes
17. Disadvantages of fungi and control measures of fungi
5 Minutes
18. C. Viruses
5 Minutes
19. Characteristics of viruses
6 Minutes
20. Advantages of virus
4 Minutes
21. Disadvantages and control measures of virus
4 Minutes
22. D. Protozoans
5 Minutes
23. Control measures of protozoans
2 Minutes
Chapter-18 Plant tissue and Human system
29 Lessons
2h 47m
1. Plant tissue
5 Minutes
2. Lateral meristem and intercalary meristem
4 Minutes
3. Permanent tissue
5 Minutes
4. Collenchyma and sclerenchyma
5 Minutes
5. Complex permanent tissues
5 Minutes
6. Special permanent tissues
5 Minutes
7. Human skeleton system
6 Minutes
8. Structure of a bone
5 Minutes
9. Types of skeleton
11 Minutes
10. Axial skeleton (Cranium and facial bones)
10 Minutes
11. Cranium and facial bones demonstration
11 Minutes
12. Ear Ossicles
5 Minutes
13. Bones of trunk (Thoracic bones and Vertebral bones)
8 Minutes
14. Appendicular skeleton (Bones of upper extremity)
7 Minutes
15. Bones of lower extremity
7 Minutes
16. Functions of skeleton system
4 Minutes
17. Digestive system
4 Minutes
18. Digestion in human body
6 Minutes
19. Digestion in duodenum and small intestine
6 Minutes
20. Summary of digestivive system
5 Minutes
21. Importance of digestive system
2 Minutes
22. Respiratory system
4 Minutes
23. Different organs involved in respiration
5 Minutes
24. Lungs and diaphragm
6 Minutes
25. The process of respiration
2 Minutes
26. Importance of respiratory system
3 Minutes
27. Urinary system
2 Minutes
28. Organs involved in urinary system
4 Minutes
29. Importance of excretory system
2 Minutes
Chapter-19 Sense Organs
18 Lessons
1h 24m
1. Sense organs
2 Minutes
2. The eye
8 Minutes
3. Middle layer of an eye
9 Minutes
4. Inner layer of an eye
4 Minutes
5. Lens
3 Minutes
6. Working of the human eye
4 Minutes
7. Care and protection of eye
3 Minutes
8. Ear (Outer ear)
5 Minutes
9. Middle ear
4 Minutes
10. Inner ear
4 Minutes
11. Working mechanism of the ears
3 Minutes
12. Care and protection of ears
4 Minutes
13. Tongue
6 Minutes
14. Care and protection of the tongue
2 Minutes
15. The skin
6 Minutes
16. Care and protection of the skin
2 Minutes
17. Nose
4 Minutes
18. Care and protection of the nose
3 Minutes
Chapter-20 Evolution
15 Lessons
1h 24m
1. Evolution
9 Minutes
2. Organic evolution
2 Minutes
3. Evidence from fossils or paleontological evidence
6 Minutes
4. Evidence from comparative morphology and anatomy
9 Minutes
5. Evidence from embryo or embryological evidence
4 Minutes
6. Evidence from geographical distribution of organanisms
3 Minutes
7. Evidence from brodge animals(Connecting animals)
5 Minutes
8. Theories of evolution
3 Minutes
9. Use and disuse or organs and inheritance or acquired characters
7 Minutes
10. Criticism of Lamarkism
3 Minutes
11. Darwin's theory or Darwinism
6 Minutes
12. Variation and heredity and Natural selection
5 Minutes
13. Origin of species or speciation
6 Minutes
14. Criticism of Darwinism
6 Minutes
15. A comparison of Lamarkism and Darwinism
5 Minutes
Chapter-21 Nature and Environment
15 Lessons
1h 9m
1. Introduction
2 Minutes
2. Components of the ecosystem
2 Minutes
3. Biotic components
3 Minutes
4. Consumers
3 Minutes
5. Decomposers
4 Minutes
6. Trophic levels
4 Minutes
7. Food chain
3 Minutes
8. Food web
3 Minutes
9. Interrelationship between plants and animals and autotrophs
4 Minutes
10. Heterotrophs and different modes of nutrition
7 Minutes
11. Ecosystem and Pond ecosystem
7 Minutes
12. Land ecosystem
6 Minutes
13. Ecosystem services
3 Minutes
14. Regulating services, Cultural services and Supporting services
6 Minutes
15. Basic requirements of human beings and Adverse impacts of climate change on ecosystem
5 Minutes
Chapter-22 Natural Disasters
12 Lessons
1. Natural Disasters
2 Minutes
2. Hazards and disasters
2 Minutes
3. Management of natural disasters and management of anthropogenic disasters
7 Minutes
4. Distance management cycle
5 Minutes
5. Avalanche
5 Minutes
6. Preventive measures of avalanche
3 Minutes
7. Glacial Lake Outburst Flood(GLOF)
4 Minutes
8. Effects of GLOF and preventive measures of GLOF
4 Minutes
9. Hurricanes
4 Minutes
10. Causes of hurricanes
4 Minutes
11. Effects of hurricanes
3 Minutes
12. Preventive measures against a hurricane
4 Minutes
Chapter-23 Green House
8 Lessons
1. Greenhouse
4 Minutes
2. Advantages and disadvantages of greenhouse effect
4 Minutes
3. Artificial greenhouse
2 Minutes
4. Importance of artificial greenhouse
2 Minutes
5. Climate change
3 Minutes
6. Causes of climate change
5 Minutes
7. Effects of climate change
6 Minutes
8. Measures of management of climate change
6 Minutes
Chapter-24 The Earth in the Universe
13 Lessons
1h 24m
1. Astronomical unit and Light year
7 Minutes
2. Parsec
5 Minutes
3. Solar system
8 Minutes
4. Interrelation among the Sun, the Earth and the Moon
6 Minutes
5. Diurnal motion of the Earth
7 Minutes
6. Annual motion of the Earth
4 Minutes
7. Phases of Moon
6 Minutes
8. Sidereal and Synodic month
7 Minutes
9. Eclipse
5 Minutes
10. Umbra and Penumbra
7 Minutes
11. Solar eclipse
4 Minutes
12. Lunar eclipse
6 Minutes
13. The Lunar nodes
5 Minutes