0. Introduction To Science
2 Lessons
1. Introduction to course
1 Minutes
2. Mark Distribution
5 Minutes
Ch-1 Gravitational Force
15 Lessons
1h 49m
1. Introduction to Force
5 Minutes
2. Revisiting Newton's first Laws of motion
3 Minutes
3. Revisiting Newton's second Laws of motion
7 Minutes
4.Revisiting Newton's third Laws of motion
4 Minutes
5. Universal Law of Gravitation
5 Minutes
6.Gravitional constant, 'G'
4 Minutes
7. Gravitational force between very less massive objects-
4 Minutes
8. Change in Gravitational Force with change in mass of bodies-
5 Minutes
9.Change in Gravitational Force with change in mass of bodies-_1
6 Minutes
10. Change in Gravitational Force with change in mass of bodies-_2
8 Minutes
11. Coin and feather experiment
8 Minutes
12. Variation in the value of 'g' due to shape of Earth
4 Minutes
13. Variation in 'g' with height above the surface of the Earth
11 Minutes
14. Variation of 'g' with depth from the Earth's surface-
15 Minutes
15. Concept of mass, weight, freefall and weightlessness-
14 Minutes
Ch-2 Pressure
12 Lessons
1h 41m
1. Liquid pressure
9 Minutes
2. Pascal_s Law
6 Minutes
3. Application_s of Pascal_s Law
6 Minutes
4. Upthrust
6 Minutes
5. Density, Relative density and Relation between Density and Upthrust
15 Minutes
6. Archimedes_ Principle
9 Minutes
7. Law of Floatation
15 Minutes
8. Atmospheric pressure
8 Minutes
9. Instruments used for measuring Atmospheric pressure
11 Minutes
10. Instruments based on Atmospheric pressure (Syringe)
2 Minutes
11. Working method of an Air Pump
3 Minutes
12. Working method of a Water pump
6 Minutes
Ch-3 Energy
16 Lessons
1h 43m
1. Introduction to energy
10 Minutes
2. Classification of sources of energy
3 Minutes
3. Classification of sources of energy on the basis of replacibility-
4 Minutes
4. Sources of energy(Solar energy)
6 Minutes
5. Limitation and Uses of Solar Energy
9 Minutes
6. Sun as an Ultimate source of energy
4 Minutes
7. Source of Solar Energy
9 Minutes
8. Evidence of nuclear fusion in the Sun
4 Minutes
9. Sources of energy(Fossil fuels)
12 Minutes
10. Sources of energy(Hydroelectricity)
5 Minutes
11. Alternative Sources of energy(Bio fuel)
6 Minutes
12. Alternative Sources of energy(Nuclear enegy)
6 Minutes
13. Advantages of Nuclear energy
4 Minutes
14. Alternative Sources of energy(Tidal energy, Wind energy, Geo-thermal energy)
5 Minutes
15. Present status of energy in the world
5 Minutes
16. Energy Conservation
6 Minutes
1. Introduction to Heat
7 Minutes
2. Units of heat energy
7 Minutes
3. Introduction to Temperature
4 Minutes
4. Relationship between different units of temperature
5 Minutes
5. Problems related to conversion of units of temperature
4 Minutes
6. Different Types of Temperatures
8 Minutes
7. Thermometric Liquids
2 Minutes
8. Relationship Between Heat and Temperature
4 Minutes
9. Specific Heat Capacity
5 Minutes
10. Heat equation and Principle of caloriemetry
8 Minutes
Ch-5 Light
24 Lessons
2h 21m
1. Introduction to light
3 Minutes
2. Lens
5 Minutes
3. Differences between Concave and Convex lens
3 Minutes
4. Some terms related to lens
10 Minutes
5. How lenses work(put question mark here)
7 Minutes
6. Rules of Refraction in lens
4 Minutes
7. Ray diagrams in convex lens(Objects at infinity)
10 Minutes
8. Image when object is beyond 2F
4 Minutes
9. Image when object is at 2F
3 Minutes
10. Image when object is between F and 2f
4 Minutes
11. Image when object is at F
4 Minutes
12.Image when object is between F and O
5 Minutes
13. Ray diagram in concave lens
4 Minutes
14. Image when object is at a measurable distance
4 Minutes
15. Image when object is at infinity
2 Minutes
16. Concept of Real and Virtual image
5 Minutes
17. Magnification
5 Minutes
18. Relation between u, v and f
9 Minutes
19. Power of lens
6 Minutes
20. Uses of lens
3 Minutes
21. Optical instruments
3 Minutes
22. Basic anatomy of an human eye
8 Minutes
23. Range of human eye and power of accomodation
5 Minutes
24. Defects of vision
14 Minutes
Ch-6 Electricity and magnetism
17 Lessons
2h 9m
1. Introduction to electricity
6 Minutes
2. DC and AC
12 Minutes
3. Effects of electric current(Heating effect)
5 Minutes
4. Lighting effect of Electric Currrent
8 Minutes
5. Magnetic effect of Electric Currrent
13 Minutes
6. Chemical Effect of Electric Currrent
5 Minutes
7. Inter-relation between electricity and magnetism
3 Minutes
8. Magnetic flux and Electromagnetic Induction
9 Minutes
9. Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction
2 Minutes
10. Bicycle dynamo
6 Minutes
11. Generator
8 Minutes
12. Electric motor
3 Minutes
13. Different electrical devices
5 Minutes
14. Transformer
11 Minutes
15. Electrical Power
10 Minutes
16. Commercial Unit of Energy
4 Minutes
17. Numerical Problems Related to Commercial unit of Power
10 Minutes
Ch-7 Classification of Element
13 Lessons
2h 3m
1. Mendeleev's Periodic table
8 Minutes
2. Characteristics of Mendeleev's Periodic Table
2 Minutes
3. Merits and demerits of Mendeleev's periodic table
10 Minutes
4. Modern Periodic Table
11 Minutes
5. Merits of Modern Periodic Table
5 Minutes
6. Periods
8 Minutes
7. Groups
11 Minutes
8. Characteristics of Periods
9 Minutes
9. Characteristics of groups
15 Minutes
10. Uses of Periodic table
2 Minutes
11. Subshell
15 Minutes
12. Electronic Configuration and Aufbau Principle
14 Minutes
13. Understanding electronic configuration
7 Minutes
Ch-8 Chemical reactions
9 Lessons
1. Physical and Chemical change
7 Minutes
2. Chemical Reaction
5 Minutes
3. Types of chemical reaction (Combination reaction and Decomposition reaction)
6 Minutes
4. Displacement reaction
8 Minutes
5. Acid-Base reaction
4 Minutes
6. Factors effecting rate of chemical reaction
10 Minutes
7. Catalyst
3 Minutes
8. Endothermic and Exothermic Reaction
4 Minutes
9. Promoters, Inhibitors and Poisons
2 Minutes
Ch-9 Acid, Base and Salt
15 Lessons
1h 26m
1. Acids
5 Minutes
2. Classification of Acids
10 Minutes
3. Characteristics of Acids
9 Minutes
4. Uses of Acids
3 Minutes
5. Bases
4 Minutes
6. Preparation of bases
3 Minutes
7. Classification of Bases
3 Minutes
8. Characteristics of Bases
12 Minutes
9. Uses of Bases
4 Minutes
10. Salts
5 Minutes
11. Classification of Salts
5 Minutes
12. Properties of Salts
4 Minutes
13. Preparation and Uses of salts
6 Minutes
14. Neutralization reaction
3 Minutes
15. Uses of Neutralization reaction
4 Minutes
Ch-10 Some gases
11 Lessons
1h 7m
1. Carbon Dioxide and its Occurrence
5 Minutes
2. General methods of preparation of carbon dioxide gas-
3 Minutes
3. Laboratoryprepration of Carbon Dioxide gas
7 Minutes
4. Test of Carbon Dioxide and its Manufacture
6 Minutes
5. Physical and Chemical properties of Carbon Dioxide
11 Minutes
6. Uses of Carbon dioxide
7 Minutes
7. Ammonia
6 Minutes
8. Laboratory Preparation of Carbon Dioxide
5 Minutes
9. Test of Ammonia gas and its Manufacture
4 Minutes
10. Physical and Chemical priperties of Ammonia gas
8 Minutes
11. Uses of Ammonia Gas
2 Minutes
Ch-11 Metals
19 Lessons
1h 28m
1. Introduction to metals
4 Minutes
2. Minerals, Ores and Metallurgy
3 Minutes
3. Introduction to Iron
3 Minutes
4. Occurrence and Ores of Iron
2 Minutes
5. Physical properties and Classification of Iron
3 Minutes
6. Uses of Iron
2 Minutes
7. Introduction to Aluminium
3 Minutes
8. Occurrence and ores of Aluminium
3 Minutes
9. Physical properties and uses of Aluminium
6 Minutes
10. Introduction to Copper
6 Minutes
11. Occurrence and Ores of Copper
3 Minutes
12. Physical properties and uses of Copper
6 Minutes
13. Introduction to Silver
5 Minutes
14. Occurrence and Ores of Silver
3 Minutes
15. Physical properties and uses of Silver
7 Minutes
16. Introduction to Gold
7 Minutes
17. Occurrence and Ores of Gold
4 Minutes
18. Physical properties and uses of Gold
7 Minutes
19. Occurrence of metals in Nepal
2 Minutes
Ch-12 Carbon and its compounds
9 Lessons
1h 32m
1. Introduction to Hydrocarbons
5 Minutes
2. Saturated Hydroarbons
12 Minutes
3. Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
14 Minutes
4. IUPAC Naming
9 Minutes
5. Homologous Series
13 Minutes
6. Alkyl group and functional groups
4 Minutes
7. Some hydrocarbons
8 Minutes
8. Some derivatives of hydrocarbon
7 Minutes
9. Some derivatives of hydrocarbon
15 Minutes
Ch-13 materials used in daily life
21 Lessons
2h 35m
1. Introduction
4 Minutes
2. Cement and its uses
6 Minutes
3. Glass and its characteristics
5 Minutes
4. Types of glass and their uses
10 Minutes
5. Coloured glass
3 Minutes
6. Ceramics
5 Minutes
7. Fibres
2 Minutes
8. Merits and demerits of natural fibres
4 Minutes
9. Artificial fibres
5 Minutes
10. Merits and demerits of artificial fibres
3 Minutes
11. Plastic
6 Minutes
12. Types of plastic
11 Minutes
13. Properties of plastic
3 Minutes
14. Uses and demerits of plastic
5 Minutes
15. Soaps and detergents
11 Minutes
16. Pesticides
3 Minutes
17. Insecticides
5 Minutes
18. Advantages, disadvantages and precautions in using insecticides
7 Minutes
19. Fertilizers
8 Minutes
20. Chemical fertilizers
20 Minutes
21. Chemical pollution and Solid waste management
20 Minutes
Ch-14 Invertebrate
7 Lessons
1. Introduction to Silkworm
6 Minutes
2. Lifecycle of silkworm
12 Minutes
3. Economic importance of silkworm
3 Minutes
4. Characteristics of Silk
3 Minutes
5. Introduction to Honey bee
6 Minutes
6. Lifecycle of Honey bee
9 Minutes
7. Economic importance of Honey bee
4 Minutes
ch-15 Human Nervous and Glandular System
9 Lessons
1h 18m
1. Stimulus and response
3 Minutes
2. Nervous system and neurons
9 Minutes
3. Central Nervous System(Brain)
18 Minutes
4. Central Nervous System(Spinal cord)
4 Minutes
5. Reflex and its Significance
9 Minutes
6. Peripheral Nervous System
4 Minutes
7. Autonomic Nervous System
4 Minutes
8. Glandular system
10 Minutes
9. Different glands and their functions
13 Minutes
Ch-16 Blood Circulation in human body
12 Lessons
1h 40m
1. Blood and its components(Plasma)
10 Minutes
2. Blood corpuscles
15 Minutes
3. Functions of blood
5 Minutes
4. The Heart
5 Minutes
5. Parts of heart and the functions of four blood vessels and four valves of heart.
12 Minutes
6. Working of the Heart
7 Minutes
7. Blood vessels
8 Minutes
8. Types of blood circulation and Heartbeat
7 Minutes
9. Blood pressure
4 Minutes
10. Some diseases related to blood circulatory system(High Blood Pressure)
7 Minutes
11. Some diseases related to blood circulatory system(Diabetes)
6 Minutes
12. Some diseases related to blood circulatory system(Gout)
7 Minutes
Ch-17 Chromosome and sex determination
9 Lessons
1h 24m
1. Chromosomes, genes and DNA
5 Minutes
2. Types of Chromosomes
4 Minutes
3. Some important features of chromosomes
9 Minutes
4. Homologous chromosomes and function of chromosomes
5 Minutes
5. Diploid and Haploid cells
6 Minutes
6. Mechanism of Sex determination in Humans
11 Minutes
7. Genetic disorders(Mendelian disorder)
8 Minutes
8. Genetic disorders(Chromosomal disorder)
17 Minutes
9. Cell division and its types
16 Minutes
Ch-18 Reproduction
10 Lessons
1h 11m
1. Asexual Reproduction
4 Minutes
2. Types of asexual reproduction(Fission and Budding)
7 Minutes
3. Fragmentation and Regeneration and Sporulation
5 Minutes
4. Vegetative reproduction
4 Minutes
5. Artificial vegetative propagation
14 Minutes
6. Tissue culture
3 Minutes
7. Advantages of vegetative propagation and asexual reproduction
5 Minutes
8. Sexual reproduction(Conjugation)
7 Minutes
9. Sexual reproduction in Plants and Animals
16 Minutes
10. Significance of Sexual reproduction
2 Minutes
Ch-19 Heredity
10 Lessons
1h 18m
1. Heredity
4 Minutes
2. Why peas(put question mark here)
5 Minutes
3. Some terms used in Genetics
13 Minutes
4. Mendel's Experiment
10 Minutes
5. Law of Dominance
4 Minutes
6. Law of Segregation
9 Minutes
7. Monohybrid cross in Drosophilla and Guinea pigs
7 Minutes
8. Law of independent assortment
12 Minutes
9. Some heredity characters in Human beings
4 Minutes
10. Variation and Mutation
6 Minutes
Ch-20 Environmental pollution and its management
10 Lessons
1. Environmental pollution and its management
3 Minutes
2. Air pollution and types of pollutants
4 Minutes
3. Sources and effects of Air Pollutions
9 Minutes
4. Different measures to prevent air pollution
4 Minutes
5. Water pollution and its sources
8 Minutes
6. Measures to control air pollution
5 Minutes
7. Soil pollution and its sources
7 Minutes
8. Measures to control Soil pollution
5 Minutes
9. Conservation and management of forest
5 Minutes
10. Conservation and management of sources of water
4 Minutes
Ch-21 History of the earth
14 Lessons
1h 19m
1. Hypotheses on the origin of Earth
13 Minutes
2. Geological timescale of the Earth
7 Minutes
3. Important events in different timescales(Phanerozoic eon)
8 Minutes
4. Important events in Proterozoic and Archaen Eon)
3 Minutes
5. Evolution of live in different eras
11 Minutes
6. Fossils and its identification
4 Minutes
7. Fossilization
7 Minutes
8. Importance of fossils
2 Minutes
9. Fossil Fuels
2 Minutes
10. Coal and its types
5 Minutes
11. Formation of coal
3 Minutes
12. Importance of coal
2 Minutes
13. Mineral oil
3 Minutes
14. Formation and Importance of Mineral oil
4 Minutes
Ch-22 Atmosphere and climate change
11 Lessons
1h 0m
1. Layers of Atmosphere
8 Minutes
2. Ozone layer
3 Minutes
3. Ozone layer depletion
4 Minutes
4. Effects of Ozone layer depletion
5 Minutes
5. Conservation of Ozone layer depletion
3 Minutes
6. Earth as a Natural greenhouse and disadvantages of green house effect
8 Minutes
7. Industrial gases and its effects
4 Minutes
8. Climate change and its effects
7 Minutes
9. International Practices for mitigation and adaptation of climate change
5 Minutes
10. National Practices for mitigation and adaptation of climate change
5 Minutes
11. Greenhouse and its advantages
3 Minutes
Ch-23 The Universe
13 Lessons
1h 43m
1. Galaxy and its types
9 Minutes
2. Milkyway Galaxy
3 Minutes
3. Constellations(Ursa major and Orion)
10 Minutes
4. Signs of Zodiac
6 Minutes
5. Importance of Constellations
3 Minutes
6. The Sun
15 Minutes
7. The Solar system
4 Minutes
8. Definition of planets
4 Minutes
9. Inner and Outer Planets
12 Minutes
10. Satellites
10 Minutes
11. Asteroids
6 Minutes
12. Comets
10 Minutes
13. Meteoroids, Meteors and Meteorites
5 Minutes
Question Bank
264 Lessons
11h 48m