0. Korean Language Introduction
1 Lessons
Korean language Intro
0 Minutes
1. Alphabets of Korean Language
3 Lessons
1. About Korean Language
1 Minutes
2. Consonents
5 Minutes
3. Vowels
5 Minutes
2. Greetings
1 Lessons
1. Greetings
5 Minutes
3. Formation Of Word
1 Lessons
1. Formation of word
5 Minutes
4. Method Of Pronunciation
1 Lessons
1. Method of pronunciation
16 Minutes
5. Subject Particles And Their Meaning
1 Lessons
1. Subject particles and their meaning
9 Minutes
6. Object Particles And Their Meaning
1 Lessons
1. Object particles and their meaning
4 Minutes
7. VST And Some Meaning Of Verb
1 Lessons
1. VST and some meaning of verb
6 Minutes
8. Tense And Some Word Meaning
7 Lessons
1h 5m
1. About tense and simple present tense
15 Minutes
2. Place related word meaning
5 Minutes
3. Simple past tense
18 Minutes
4. Name of materials
5 Minutes
5. Simple future tense
9 Minutes
6. Occupation related word meaning
3 Minutes
7. All continuous tense
7 Minutes
9. Name Of Body Parts
1 Lessons
1. Name of body parts
2 Minutes
10. Preposition
2 Lessons
1. Preposition (Part 1)
9 Minutes
2. Preposition (Part 2)
6 Minutes
11. Name Of Korean Food
1 Lessons
1. Name of Korean food
4 Minutes
12. Numbers And Time Related Word Meaning
4 Lessons
1. Korean number and sino Korean number
18 Minutes
2. Time related word meaning
4 Minutes
3. Original Korean number
5 Minutes
4. Name of week and month
3 Minutes
13. Use Of Numbers
4 Lessons
1. Use of sino Korean number
8 Minutes
2. Use of original Korean number (Part 1)
7 Minutes
3. Use of original Korean number (Part 2)
6 Minutes
4. Use of original Korean number (Part 3)
7 Minutes
14. Model Question
2 Lessons
1. Model question (Part 1)
18 Minutes
2. Model question (Part 2)
17 Minutes
15. Some Important Verbs
1 Lessons
1. Some important verbs
6 Minutes
16. Quality Verb
1 Lessons
1. Quality verb
5 Minutes
17. Question Format And Wh Questions
1 Lessons
1. Question format and wh questions
4 Minutes
18. Negative Format
1 Lessons
1. Negative format
7 Minutes
19. Korean Rules And Culture
1 Lessons
1. Korean rules and culture
5 Minutes
20. Name Of Industrial Tools
1 Lessons
1. Name of industrial tools
9 Minutes
21. Telling Time In Korean
1 Lessons
1. Telling time in Korean
2 Minutes
23. Conjunction
36 Lessons
4h 9m
1. High respect & low respect format
11 Minutes
2. Request format
7 Minutes
3. Can or can't format
10 Minutes
4. Want format
8 Minutes
5. And & because format
10 Minutes
6. Future tense modifier (conjunction)
6 Minutes
7. Irregular verbs
15 Minutes
8. Shall we format
7 Minutes
9. If there is...format
12 Minutes
10. Because & because of format
7 Minutes
11. Even though format
4 Minutes
12. Suggestion & reasoning
5 Minutes
13. Because of & thanks to format
8 Minutes
14. Duration format
4 Minutes
15. During (while) format
8 Minutes
16. Must be & be okay format
6 Minutes
17. While format
4 Minutes
18. Look at & to give format
3 Minutes
19. Intend to format
7 Minutes
20. Purpose (intention) & decide format
4 Minutes
21. After format
6 Minutes
22. Before & as soon as format
5 Minutes
23. Changing quality verb into noun
4 Minutes
24. Past tense, present tense & future tense modifier
6 Minutes
25. It seems to be (might be) format
7 Minutes
26. Should't, Can't, must be & to wish (hope) format
8 Minutes
27. Because of that (a negative result occur) format
3 Minutes
28. Or format
4 Minutes
29. To become or to became (suggest to someone)
6 Minutes
30. Think (plan) format
4 Minutes
31. You ought to know format
6 Minutes
32. Surprised (amazed) format
9 Minutes
33. But format
5 Minutes
34. Already (in advance) format
4 Minutes
35. Indirect speech (part 1)
6 Minutes
36. Indirect speech (part 2)
5 Minutes
24. Self Introduction
1 Lessons
1. Self introduction
6 Minutes